Latest Health Guidelines for Travellers

All the 19 pandemics spread around the world; Covid has also been effective in Turkey and istanbul. The Turkish Government takes many measures to reduce the effects of the pandemic. 

Covid 19 Precautions

Pandemic measures pushed by the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Tourism businesses must get the Document Safe Tourism. Touristic facilities and businesses that can meet the hygiene and capacity requirements determined in this direction are allowed to work. Safe Tourism Certificate conditions specified by the Ministry of Tourism are periodically audited. Until the corrections are made, closing penalties are applied to the enterprises found to be deficient in the audit.

Museums can accept up to full of their capacity.

The Government of the Republic of Turkey is taking measures to control the disease. in this way, it aims to keep the number of infected people low.

The rules people must follow

  • Everyone has to go around with a mask in public transportation.
  • if air ventilation and social distancing is not possible, wearing a mask is required. (Applied both inner and outer areas)
  • Persons with the disease are kept under quarantine for 14 days.
  • Turkey subtracting the number of patients according to the provinces, the rules are applied by evaluating each city's progress.
  • Tourists coming from abroad can visit freely.

Rules that businesses must follow

  • The shopping centers can accept visitors up to full of their capacity.
  • Restaurants can accept customers full of their capacity.